Sunday, May 20, 2018

Abounding in Life..

Abounding in new life on the farm. Over a week we grew in our number of grandchildren. Our son-in-law Ryan and our daughter Katelyn received Kennedy Rae Marango. In the midst of this great gift of life Tapi our Tapioca calf was born and just a few days ago Charlie was born. We are blessed!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Spending time together..

Spending time together as a family is so important and can be a great way to connect with your children. One way to spend that time is reading together. We have a great book to lend to that experience. "Living in God's Pasture" a story that will captivate your audience and illustrations that make the story come alive. A book for all ages! Contact us for your copy.

New life on the farm

New life on the farm. Snowball gave birth to Tapi (short for Tapioca...pudding) Momma and baby are doing well.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Gillette's Maple Skincare

It's easy ...cleanse, rinse, cream and go!!! Our Gillette's Maple Skincare is that easy to use. Simple, healthy, nourishing, and leaves you feeling fresh and clean for the day! It is all due to what is in the ingredients. Also, very soon we will be releasing a maple body scrub!! Contact us today for your set~ or stop by our market!